The Site Actions Settings Page

Organization administrators can manage certain advanced settings from the Site Actions page. You can access this page from the Yottaa portal by clicking Settings > Site Actions. The actions on this page are only for Yottaa customers who do not run Edge Acceleration.



Site Optimization Status

Click Change Status to open the Change Site Status slider. The current status appears in parentheses. Yottaa recommends only using the following statuses: 

Live Yottaa is optimizing your site.
Bypass Turns off Yottaa optimizations. This option is useful for troubleshooting or to pause optimizations while you are creating new rules.
Inactive Use this option only for sites that are no longer being used. Turns off Yottaa optimizations.

Install Yottaa

This option allows you to install Yottaa on your site or sites. When you click the Install Yottaa button, an instructions page appears that allows you to copy the appropriate code and paste it into your site's source code.

Your site key appears in parentheses. Your site key is necessary for installing the Rapid JS code into your site's source code as well as for using Yottaa Data APIs.

Open Documentation

Click to open Yottaa Data API documentation. When you click Open Documentation, an instruction page appears. In the instruction page, click the API Docs link to open Swagger documentation for the Yottaa Data API.

Control A/B Test

Allows you to set up an A/B test, or control an A/B test of Yottaa optimizations by setting aside a percentage of sessionsClosed The period of time when a customer is active on your site. A session times out after 30 minutes of inactivity. to leave unoptimized. Click Control A/B Test to open the A/B Test slider, where you can define the percentage of control (unoptimized) traffic for your test and enable or disable it.

The status of your A/B test is displayed in parentheses.

[ REMOVE THIS PARAG? ] Use this button only to test your initial Yottaa setup. To determine the amount of control traffic you want to leave unoptimized on a consistent basis, use the % of Traffic to Leave Unoptimized option on the General Settings page.

Library Versioning



JS Library Versioning

Allows you to change your Yottaa JavaScript library version and opt your site in or out of receiving automatic updates to the latest version of the selected library. Click Change Library to open the Library Management slider. See Library Management Slider for more information.

Flush CDN Cache


(Grayed out). Flushes the CDN cache for the site's JavaScript Library definition.

It is not necessary to purge before publishing your new library version, because Yottaa purges the cache as part of the publish process.

Site Configuration Caching

(Grayed out). Controls whether Yottaa caches your site configuration (performance and security rules).

DNS Host

Enables control of Yottaa DNS settings.

Yottaa libraries and library versioning apply only if you implement Yottaa by installing a script tag at the beginning of your site code. They do not apply to customers who run Edge Acceleration with Multi-CDN.